Is Gitcoin Bounty worth IT?

Sanchit Banati
5 min readJul 26, 2021

Disclaimer: The following opinion is based on my experience after doing an Algorand Bounty for which I got 600 ALGO tokens.

Personally, I have been contributing to the Crypto and Blockchain space for almost a year now and I always say to my friends and family that there is a lot of money to be earned if you get started working in the crypto space and the reason behind that is very very simple i.e Demand and Supply principle, there is a lot of demand in the crypto industry for knowledge and deserving folks but there are only handful of folks out there who truel;y understand the crazy stuff and are deserving enough to work on. For example, there are less than 120 Bitcoin Lighting networks, developers who can build on top of layer 1 of Bitcoin and provide the eco-system the scalability it needs, so there is a very simple reference of the demand and supply which exist all over the crypto space.

To solve the above issue and help projects find folks who can work on their projects as a small task, Gitcoin is a platform where you can work on bounties, explore hackathons, and earn a living through them.

What is Gitcoin Exactly

If you are new to the crypto space and have never heard of Gitcoin, it can be defined as a Social media platform where people and community members want to learn and grow together.

The very first thing when you will open the Gitcoin webpage it will show

Gitcoin is the community of builders, creators, and protocols at the center of open web ecosystem

and when I say the community members want to learn and grow together it can be summarised by the following quote

People come to Gitcoin to develop their future, and the future of the open internet.

They are a huge and very supportive community ( From my experience ) also very friendly and heartwarming who are on a mission to build the Web3 open source ecosystem and achieve that goal by

By funding projects, building community, and making learning resources accessible, we are teaming up to create the digital public infrastructure of tomorrow.

The Gitcoin community has contributed to many open-source Web projects and is actively supporting the ecosystem in one of the best ways possible.

How to Find Bounties to Earn in Crypto

After you make a profile on Gitcoin and verify your identity using BridgeID you can explore on the top of Navbar (Product) it will have a dropdown and you go to Bounties and then to Explore Bounties where all the projects in the crypto ecosystem have declared their bounty or small tasks which developers, marketers and even product designers can work on and submit within the timeframe and get paid.

This is a Screenshot when you go to Issue explorer where you can work on bounties.

Algorand Bounty: Learning through my Journey

The bounty on the issue explorer which caught my eye almost a month ago was from Algorand which is a blockchain that is solving the most difficult problem statement in the whole crypto space i.e The Blockchain Trielma.

The reason it was a perfect bounty for me because it involved talking about Algorand and its benefits which for me is like a cup of tea, I am a living crypto nerd who lives, breathe, and talk about crypto & blockchain like 24*7, so for me it was the perfect thing, can you believe the person who literally talks crypto 24*7 and if I talk about Algorand I will get paid for that. A perfect work task for me.

The Bounty Landing page

For the bounty like this, I saw an opportunity more than just something. For me, it was like an entry door to meet the folks who are contributing to the Algorand system and if I play my cards right and bang on, its value could be far more than 600 Algo.

In doing the above I contacted the team and explained my script of the podcast which would revolve around crypto newbie’s and explaining them about the Algorand blockchain, the ultimate goal for me was to make a podcast that if any person listens to would be intrigued by Algorand and latest wanted to explore more about it.

If I was able to create that curiosity in the person then I can say I did my task, which I believe I was able to achieve if you see my podcast on my Youtube Channel: It is one of my most viewed videos on my channel with the most Watch hours and the reach was just beyond my normal videos.

How long Does it take to receive the reward?

Many folks reading this will have a curiosity about how long it takes after you complete the bounty to get paid or what we say in the crypto space get the reward. For me it was a very great experience from the Algorand team, I submitted my work on Monday morning and I got my reward within 24 hours on Tuesday Afternoon.

It might not be this quick for every bounty but I can say for sure the Algorand team was very easy and communicative to work with, they provided all the info which I would need to make the podcast and also shared their insights which helped a lot to be honest.

Can you earn a Living through Bounties?

I can say you most definitely can but it helps a lot if you live in a county where the cost of living is low then I can say for 100% sure but if you live in a high living cost area it might be difficult to pull this off just from Gitcoin.

Remember guys bounties are varying from different tasks and sometimes you might not get that perfect task or bounty for weeks or even months, but one thing is for sure that it is one of the greatest ways to get some extra crypto for the long haul and make some buck on the side.



Sanchit Banati

Just a normal person trying to do new things. Be a Practitioner nor an Expert.